Gewerbevereinigung Gochsheim is a local business association in the town of Gochsheim in northern Bavaria. As they were not yet online, they asked A.T.T. Center to develop a website forl them. The primary objective was to give members the opportunity to present themselves and their offerings. Moreover, the website was to emphasise the diversity and strength of Gochsheim as a business location and to provide valuable information for the members' custsomers. In addition, the members wished to have a private area for internal communication.
In this project, we placed emphasis on a news section with information about the member companies and an event calendar for public events organised by the business association and/or its members as well as other events in Gochsheim. Furthermore, all member are presented with their company logos and links to their respective websites (if any). For internal communication, we implemented a passwordc-protected members' forum.